Quality Management System
The quality policy of Betek Boya ve Kimya Sanayi is to provide products with a quality higher than national and international standards and customer expectations to its customers. Continuous development and enhancement is our company culture and quality is under the responsibility of all our employees. Strengthening the work ethics and skills of our employees with the trainings we offer for them
is one of our basic principles. We will use all available means of technology to protect the environment, continue to respect, preserve and enhance the environment and maintain our activities in a reliable, ethical, and environmentally friendly manner all the time with our environmentally friendly products.
Environmental Management System
At Betek, which directs the construction sector such as construction paints, insulation materials, building chemicals,, we regard protecting the environment as an inseparable part of our business as well high quality production at European standards.
Within this framework:
- In addition to showing awareness and adopting a protective attitude for the environment and human health all the time with our R&D investments and environmentally friendly products up to present, our basic principle is to maintain our environmentalist character with our products and services hereafter,
- In addition to complying with the environment related legislation, legal regulations and related local environment board rules, to show continuous progress and enhancement;
- To determine environmental aims and targets, build an environment management system and enhance environment performance continuously,
- To control, reduce and prevent the elements that cause environmental degradation with life cycle perspective, ensure reuse of recyclable wastes, dispose wastes in accordance with the related regulations in case that recycle of these wastes is not possible,
-To ensure, sustainable resource use, mitigation and adaptation of climate change and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems,
- To strive to increase our environmental standards in cooperation with official authorities, related institutions as well our customers and suppliers,
- To plan corporate-wide training programs in order to raise environmental awareness and maintain the continuity of environmental awareness constitute our basic principles.
Protecting and enhancing the environment are the duty of all our employees as BETEK BOYA VE KİMYA SANAYİ A.Ş.
Customer Satisfaction Management System
The most important strategy of Betek Boya ve Kimya Sanayi A.Ş., which manufactures paints, insulation materials and construction chemicals is to provide and maintain 'Complete Customer Satisfaction'.
Within this framework
Complaints and demands stated by our customers are assessed, solved and replied to within the shortest time possible by protecting all details of our customers according to our privacy policy.
By arranging our solution process in a way
which will recover the losses of our customers, we demonstrate a 'customer-oriented' approach in the evaluation process of customer feedbacks and in all our other activities.
With the feedback we receive from our customers and trainings we provide to our employees regularly, we aim to enhance our products and services continuously and prevent the repetition of complaints. With the product and application trainings we provide to our experts and dealer, we continuously contribute to their development.
We promise to comply with TS ISO 10002 Customer Complaint Management System as well as laws, regulations in force and all other provisions we are subject to.
Our customers are our most important stakeholders.
Energy Management System
At Betek Boya ve Kimya San. A.Ş., it is our fundamental principle to determine necessary actions for the risks that may arise from our activities and services and to ensure their implementation, thus protecting the safety and health of our visitors, suppliers, local people, our customers and employees at the highest level that is possible. Sustainability, protection of the environment and the health of human being, the most precious being, constitute our understanding of life.
Within this framework:
- To supply less hazardous chemical raw materials instead of dangerous chemicals that would adversely affect human health and environment, and produce human- and environment-friendly products with our R&D investments,
- To follow and implement legislations and other requirements in effect on occupational health and safety,
To determine OHS aims and targets, build a management program for significant risks and enhance OHS performance continuously.
- To control the elements that may result in work accidents and occupational diseases by performing risk assessments and to take necessary action to prevent their recurrence,
- To strive for increasing our OHS standards in cooperation with official authorities, related institutions as well our customers and suppliers,
- To plan and ensure continuity of company-wide trainings for increased awareness of Occupational Health and Safety,
- To protect health and safety of all our employees and employees of subcontractors we work with,
to provide on-the-job and periodical trainings for this purpose, and to provide information regarding general occupational safety rules of Betek,
- To ensure that our OHS policy is distributed to all relevant parties,
are the duty of all our employees at Betek Boya ve Kimya Sanayi A.Ş.